Live video in collaboration with Stella Horta for Cranky Bodies a/dance company at Sophiensaele, Berlin.
"The interdisciplinary project Terrestrial Transit deals with the activist practice of artistic intervention, which is gaining importance again in the former communist countries of Eastern Europe, in view of the strengthening of right-wing authoritarian regimes. Drawing on the artistic and autobiographical experiences of its ensemble members, the project refers primarily to political forms of protest in the tradition of Polish and Hungarian dance and performance art before 1989 - and asks about their significance today."
ARTISTIC DIRECTION Peter Pleyer, Michiel Keuper PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Madga Garlinska COSTUME, SET Michiel Keuper ASSISTANCE COSTUME Juliane Länglin FILM Stella Horta VIDEO Victoria Martínez (in collaboration with Stella Horta)SOUND/MUSIC Marc Lohr DRAMATURGY Jette Büchsenschütz DRAMATURGY, SCIENTIFIC ACCOMMODATIONKirsten Maar DANCE/PERFORMANCE Eszter Gál, Marysia Stokłosa, Aleksandra Borys, Mor Demer, Bjørn Ivan Ekemark/ Ivanka Tramp, Caroline Neill Alexander, Ka Rustler GUESTS Joanna Leśnierowska a. o.
A production by Cranky Bodies a/company in coproduction with SOPHIENSÆLE. Funded by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds with the support of DOCKART. Media partner: taz. die tageszeitung.
More info: https://sophiensaele.com/en/archiv/stueck/cranky-bodies-acompany-terrestrial-transit-kick-off